IGiB - LabStoRe Stocks and Records

Sunday, July 7, 2024 || About || How do I use it || IGiB

Yeast strains →
← Yeast strain
E.coli strains →
← E.coli strain
Other strains →
← Other organism strain (Drosophila, Aspergillus, plant etc.)
Cell-lines →
← Cell-line
Plasmids →
← Plasmid
Oligos →
← Oligonucleotides
Chemicals →
← Reagents, chemicals
Enzymes →
← Enzymes and kits
Documents →
← Document, manual, protocol, record, summary, etc.

691 yeast strains, 83 e.coli strains, 1 other strains, 1 cell-lines, 30 plasmids, 4 oligos, 532 chemicals, 1 enzymes, 0 documents in database

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